
behind every gReat man...

...is a gReat woman.

i did a photoshoot yesterday for my artist friend Scratch. It's for an exhibition coming up on gender roLes. a bit trippy tO see what yOu might Look like if you were the opposite sex,innit?


this week's 'scOpe (+see poLL beLow)

"The Only Three Questions That Count" is the title of a book by Ken Fisher. I'm stealing it to use as the theme of your horoscope. So your next assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to craft three essential questions that will guide your journey between now and the end of 2007. These queries should excite your natural curiosity about the life issues that matter most to you. They should be carefully and precisely formulated. And they should motivate you to keep your mind wide open and hungry as you hunt for more insight into your most bafflingly interesting mysteries. (Rob Brezny, http://www.freewillastrology.com)


eurOvisiOn 2007

i was expOsed to my first EuroVision experience last nighT. MY vote was for ukraine's Verka Serduchka with their bizarre polka-technO and fabuLous costumes. this is one of those european obsessions which can't be expLained in words. One must experience it to understand what it's aLL about...(stiLL not sure if i get it yet)


what dO UUUUU reckOn ?

shouLd i sTay oR shouLd i gO ?
sTAY : appLy for a 12 month extensiOn to stay in the uK
go : mOve baCk to portLand
go : appLy fOr a jOb in NYC
go : appLy for a jOb in San FranciscO
pollcode.com free polls


one-eyed caT

cat-sitting hectOr this weekend.
he's completeLy blind...
reminds me a bit of a tim burton
characteR with thOse stitches.