
quaker steak & Lube

SharOn PA. mOm & dad grew up in this pLace. pOpped by here to pick up buckets Of wings fOr lunch. i, Of cOurse, had tO try the 'atOmic' !! thinK my Lips are stiLL on fire.


suburban wiLdLife

this littLe guy comes tO mom & dad's back window aLL the time.
dad fed him sOme aLmonds, but he prefers sheLLed nuts.

diLated pupiLs

had an eye dOc appointment the other day...
don't Like my pupiLs Lookin' sO funny :P


USA or busT

I'm Leaving for the states tomorrow morning. This googLemap pic points out my finaL destination in Mentor, Ohio. My famiLy has been in this home for 33ish yeaRs. The yeLLow arrow is in my parents' back yard. And just to the left is the eLementary schooL i went to. The funny brown spots are basebaLL diamonds i used to pLay on. At the bottom left there's a muddy pond. We used to ice-skate on it in the winter time. Lake erie is onLy a 10 minute drive away.



a tornadO swept threw Northwest London yesterday...