
LondOn eLectricity

We take this little bugger up to the corner shOp tO add money to it tO run our eLecricity.
When the money runs out....the pOwer goes out!


am i nOrmaL?

yOu too can submiT yOur nOrmaL day
tO bjOrn's yournormaLday.com projecT.


oi! yOu wanna piece oF me?

fOund at antOnia's cOrner shOp.


NEW dj-fLy traX

listings tO new buzzin' elektrO+


banksy presents CRUDE OILS

"A gaLLery of Re-mixed masterpieces,
vandalism and vermin"

and THAT is was.
i can stiLL smell the stench of rats & their waste.
and i can stiLL visualize the one, sniffing at my booT.
trueLy bizarre & wonderfuL at the same time.
i love yOu banksy.....


6000+ ruBBer bumPers

a grOup of 2nd year MA students created this interactive piece for the reconstruction waLL of the RoyaL festivaL Hall.
wenT dOwn heLp with the instaLL yesterday.

1 * 6000+ rubber bumpers
2 * template for Layout
3 * driLL 6000+ bumpers tO waLL
4 * interactive dispLay which wiLL include sounds that pLay with each persons' touch.

opening is friday 21-10-2005



!!! saw their free gig lasT night !!!


classRoom with a view

10th fLoor
room 1001
red Lion square bLdg
my new home away frOm home
(away frOm home)


hOmesick fOr ....

green tabascO
& brewers yeasT
red tortiLLa chips
& frOntera
rOgue beer
vitamin waTer
pinK orbiT gum


remOvaL of bee stings

The sting detaches from the body of a honey bee (Apis mellifera) after stinging (Fig. 1), in contrast to other stinging insects (Mulfinger et al. 1992). It takes with it the entire distal segment of the bee's abdomen, along with a nerve ganglion, various muscles, a venom sac, and the end of the bees digestive tract (Snodgrass 1956). The sting itself (Fig. 2) consists of two lancets with recurved barbs on the outer aspect of their distal end, held in grooves on the stylet.

i gOt stung tOday.
and iT hurTs.


hOOked up & happy

finaLLy gOt our net situatiOn sorted.
thanks to our new friend...the d-Link wireLess router.