
MOdified ampLifieR

my new t-amp sOunds great. but i wasn't too keen on the design. sO took it upon myseLf with some heLp from my persOnaL audiOphiLe speciaList tO dO a little re-design. i've gOt a thing for cardboard these days...


dunnO whY...

but he makes me smiLe.


anOther gRad pic

dad sent the pics he tOOk frOm the London visit. i Love this one frOm graduatiOn. too bad we didn't accept ouR dipLomas with our hOOds up! i think this shouLd be the new Look.

happy LittLe t-amp

this LittLe guy is just as pOwerfuL as amps that cOst hundreds of pOunds. its cOmpact, pOrtabLe, and onLy sets you bacK 25 quid. happy day...