I responded to this advert on gumtRee, and went down to have my voice recorded yesterday:
"I am looking for 40 Female native english speakers to be voice recorded for 45mins-60mins. This project is a test for a sofware designed for PDA and Smartphones. We will pay 5 pounds for the hour you spend with us. Its a very simple job for native english speakers, and all you need to do is to read what the computer shows.
There are 4 sections needed to be completed in this test:
40 single digits
40 single words
50 phone numbers
300 sentences (taken from newspapers, magazines....etc)
Please notice: This is a one-off job, and it only takes 45mins to do
the recording. 5 pounds cash will be paid right after the test."
sOme of my favorite phrases were:
* Does this jumper make my feet look big?
* I have some porridge oats, and i'm trying to eat them for breakfast
* Can I collect money for you in public places?