
quaker steak & Lube

SharOn PA. mOm & dad grew up in this pLace. pOpped by here to pick up buckets Of wings fOr lunch. i, Of cOurse, had tO try the 'atOmic' !! thinK my Lips are stiLL on fire.


suburban wiLdLife

this littLe guy comes tO mom & dad's back window aLL the time.
dad fed him sOme aLmonds, but he prefers sheLLed nuts.

diLated pupiLs

had an eye dOc appointment the other day...
don't Like my pupiLs Lookin' sO funny :P


USA or busT

I'm Leaving for the states tomorrow morning. This googLemap pic points out my finaL destination in Mentor, Ohio. My famiLy has been in this home for 33ish yeaRs. The yeLLow arrow is in my parents' back yard. And just to the left is the eLementary schooL i went to. The funny brown spots are basebaLL diamonds i used to pLay on. At the bottom left there's a muddy pond. We used to ice-skate on it in the winter time. Lake erie is onLy a 10 minute drive away.



a tornadO swept threw Northwest London yesterday...


vega 4

was there fiRst

the 55

passes this uP.
one of my favOrite pieces of graffiti.
[pLastic cups stuFFed intO a wire fence - genius!]


happy turkey day

i can smeLL the turkey in oven righT nOw.
secOnd's pLease!



earned myself 90 quid as an extra today for the new Ken Loach film. photo is rubbish,
but was a nightcLub scene. was a fun day acting like we were clubbin' at 8am :P


anOther one

in cOvent garden...


anOther space invadeR

spOtted on the sOuth BanK.


new biRd species...

fOund in coLumbia. i reaLLy like his 'do'


warehOuse parTy

new flatmate emiLia, kevin, & nadi


happy birThday Lucy beLL

juLes jusT sent this pic to me. Lucy and her stuFFed dOg...one of her pressies. Looks like it was an eventfuL day. They look sweet now, but I'm sure it won't be long before pooR genevive has the stuFFing ripped out of her!


get yUrseLf Reddy!

DJ lineup
Room 1 Hosted by Re-Rave-All and Courier DJs
Techno/Hard Breaks/DnB/Dubstep

Jerome Hill
Louise Plus1
Drone & Kinetic
Rob Focus
Perrence Coriander

Room 2 Hosted by Departure Lounge and HouseBreakin'
Deep House/Tekhouse/Deep Breaks/Oldskool/Dub

Pete 7Million
Steve Townsend
Steve the Fox
DJ Tab
DJ Burnz


brains & eggs

Last night I went to an event at the Dana Center called "Art And The Brain". 99% of the people there were from a medical / neurobiologicaL backgrOund. And then there was Antonia and me. But basically, the Dana Center exists to promote the combination of arts and sciences. On the Left is MY brain "in nine easy steps" created out of air foam. I'd say the FrontaL lobes are quite unique...

1. Brainstem - relays infO
2. Cerebellum - movement
3. Thalamus - reLays infO
4. Hippocampus - memOry
5. Amygdala - emotion
6. Temporal Lobes - smeLL / hearing
7. Occipital Lobes - visiOn
8. Parietal Lobes - movement / tOuch
9. Frontal Lobes - personaLity

And on the right, an engLish breaky.




i'm currentLy working on a project with audemOs, and have been researching pOdcasts. i came across mOduLation today, and absoLutely love it. if yur intO eLectronic music, check this one out for sure. Tomoyuki Sugimoto brings yOu some sweet soundz.


One YeaR agO today ...

abOut this time of day, i mOved tO London. my, how things change in one yeaR ... and wheRe wiLL life taKe me 365 days frOm now ? ?


absoLut-Ly wicked!

nadia, tOne, and me. absoLut ice baR. 5 degrees beLow zerO.


tOne's birthDay weeKend

watchin' The Big Lebowski. dRinkin' white russians. and a nighT oF bowLin'.


day tRipper

banK hoLiday rOad trip thru chiLtern hills.


swans in hyde paRk

on a supeR grey day ...


Does this jumper make my feet look big?

I responded to this advert on gumtRee, and went down to have my voice recorded yesterday:

"I am looking for 40 Female native english speakers to be voice recorded for 45mins-60mins. This project is a test for a sofware designed for PDA and Smartphones. We will pay 5 pounds for the hour you spend with us. Its a very simple job for native english speakers, and all you need to do is to read what the computer shows.

There are 4 sections needed to be completed in this test:
40 single digits
40 single words
50 phone numbers
300 sentences (taken from newspapers, magazines....etc)

Please notice: This is a one-off job, and it only takes 45mins to do
the recording. 5 pounds cash will be paid right after the test."

sOme of my favorite phrases were:
* Does this jumper make my feet look big?
* I have some porridge oats, and i'm trying to eat them for breakfast
* Can I collect money for you in public places?


spaCe invadeRs

i spOtted my first spaCe invadeR today in sOhO. French anti-gRaffiTi artist Space Invader has invaded cities aLL over the worLd with his mosaic tile aLiens...cheCk out fLickr fOr mOre pics.


agave wOrks

hOuse sittin' in wesT London.
that's hectOr. he's my new flatmate for the weeK.
he likes to eat sausages...


"Hottest July day ever in England"

Wednesday has become the hottest July day in England ever, with a temperature of 36.3C (97.3F)...

Earlier in the week, the highest official temperatures for Monday and Tuesday were recorded at London's Heathrow Airport, where the thermometer shot up to 32.7C (90.8F) on Monday and 33.2C (91.8F) on Tuesday.

On Wednesday a 35C (95F) reading at Heathrow topped the previous July record temperature there of 34C (93F).


doesn'T geT much beTTer than this

4 nighTs oF breath-taking gorgeous-ness.

the cReam Team

Pru, jiLLy, jane, antOnia, pauL. (caF & i are on the other side takin' pics)

Tone's famiLy fLat...

is the chunK on the righT.
if you look cLose enough,
you can see Tone holdin' the dooR.


the sOutheast cOast of engLand.
france is jusT across the way.


Qrush rusH

LasT nighT rOcked out.
musta been singing aLong...
thanks tO aLL fOr the suppOrt !
...tiLL nexT month.



audiO name badge

viddo's name badge at the ICAD conference. ApparentLy, it DOES say his full name. jusT in some sort of data/mOrse code sorta way.
cLick here tO heaR.


raiL & saiL tO hoLLand

yup...feRRy boat.
London tO amsterdam !
sunday sunday sunday !



gOrdon's wine baR

hidden in a basemenT on the embanKmenT.


sO i wenT...

tO read a comic, and eaT a falafeL sandwich with onion, yeLLow pepper, cucumber, and feta.

sun is sHining...

the paRk is onLy seconds away frOm my fLat.


what the ... ?

i just love a good thunderstOrm. first one since i've been here.


babbLes buLgaria

dj-in wiTh Ivan. the beginning of the Manbag & LadytroLLy eastern european tOur.



russian cameRa frOm the sOphia antique marKet : 15 leva (£4)

Sony HiMD MZ-RH1

Q u i e r O !


tiCket tO anywhere BG

adventures in buLgaria...
hOp on any tram tiLL the last stOp.


see yOu in sOphia !

(via brighTon beach)
1 may - 8 may